Hero Pass is unlocked when players complete Chapter 1.
As a monetization mechanism, players need to accumulate points to receive rewards at corresponding level milestones.
The rewards will be divided into several small milestones.
Players who accumulate points reaching a specific milestone will receive the corresponding reward at that milestone.
When a new season begins, the Hero Pass will reset to 0.
The milestones achieved in the previous season will not carry over to the next season.
Free Reward
This branch of rewards ensures that players will receive them when they accumulate enough points required by the reward milestone. No need to spend money to purchase
Paid Reward
There are two branches: one with lower value and another with higher value. These are rewards that players need to spend money to purchase the Hero Pass to receive. These rewards run parallel to the rewards in the Free Reward branch.
Extra Bonus
This is a different reward from the milestone rewards and will be activated when players have claimed all the milestone rewards in the Hero Pass (completing the Free milestone activates it).
Points earned from activities will be added to the Extra Bonus reward.
Every 100 points will receive a reward once, up to a maximum of 5 times.
In addition to the aforementioned rewards, players purchasing the Hero Pass will receive additional benefits:
- Increase Hero's max HP by 10% in any game mode.
- Increase EXP gained by 10% in all game modes.
- Increase drop rate by 10% in regular maps.
Season Pass
Each Hero Pass opening counts as one season. The duration of a Season Pass is 14 days, calculated in UTC hours.
After the Hero Pass period, Activity points will not count towards milestones and Extra Bonus.
If you do not claim rewards after 24 hours, the Hero Pass and unclaimed rewards will disappear.
Level Pass
The milestones players need to achieve to receive rewards, starting from level 0. To reach the next milestone, players must accumulate Activity points gained from completing Daily Tasks and Season Tasks
Season Tasks are weekly tasks spread over the 14-day season period. Points earned upon completing these tasks contribute to the Activity points.
The Activity required for each level involves calculating the total points obtained throughout the entire duration of one season and distributing them evenly among the milestone rewards. Players can also use 150 Gems to purchase 1 level. The total number of Level Passes is 30.
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