Warriors are Cat Guardians who will accompany you on each stage. When you reach a certain stage, you will unlock an additional Warrior.
These Warriors, similar to the Spray Bottle, need to have their strength leveled up using Shinies to progress through stages. Players will manage the leveling up of Cat Guardians and Spray Bottle in the Warriors tab.
Each Warrior will have three colored bars corresponding to HP (green), Shield (blue), and Stamina (yellow) at the top.
When the HP bar of a Warrior is depleted, it will fall into a dead state, and after a while, it will automatically recover. If it continues to be repeatedly killed or does not return to its initial state, this is a sign that it needs to be leveled up.
The Shield bar represents the armor class, which helps the hero indirectly avoid a large amount of damage. This armor gradually decreases based on the damage inflicted by enemies.
When the Stamina is depleted, the Warrior cannot use regular attacks anymore and must wait for it to fully recharge. The recharge time varies depending on each Warrior.
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