This is a social feature where players can create their clubs to socialize, chat, and even send each other free lives for additional coins.
Unlock at level 20 with a maximum limit of 50 members per club.
Create Club
- Creating a club costs 200 coins.
- Club name character limit: 15
- Club description character limit: 50
- Club name cannot be changed after creation
- You can choose Open (public club) or Private (private club).
- Required level: Each increase in level requirement adds 50 levels. Users must reach the corresponding minimum level to increase this requirement.
President (Club Owner) & Vice President can:
- Change Club description, logo & level requirement.
- Change status to Open or Private.
- View the list of applied users and apply them.
- Remove members from the club.
- If the President leaves the club, the club will disband.
Join Club
There are two types of clubs: Open and Private.
- Open clubs allow players to freely join if they meet the level requirement and the club is not full.
- Private clubs require players to apply. Approval is needed from the President/Vice President.
Search Club
- Type at least 3 characters to enable search.
Character limit: 200. Timestamps are displayed for each member's message.
All members can see announcements:
- New member joins: "ABC just joined the Club!"
- Member leaves: "ABC left the Club."
- Member gets removed: "ABC left the Club."
- New President/Vice President: "ABC has been assigned as Club President / Vice President."
- Only President/Vice President can see Apply requests for Private clubs.
Request lives
- Can request lives every 4 hours. Tap the green Notification button in the Club -> Request button if eligible & lives are not full.
- Each help gives +1 life, up to 5 lives per request.
- Requests expire if not fully helped within the time limit.
- Players receive 5 coins for each free life helped, up to a maximum of 50 coins per day.
- Lives received from requests are stored in the Free Lives section until claimed.
Club info
- Club score: Total level of all members. Increases as members level up.
- Club score never resets but fluctuates when members join/leave.
- Weekly help: Resets every Monday at 00:00 UTC +0.
- Lower-level members are not affected when the required level is increased.
- Tap on Club Infos then Leave to leave the club. Confirm with yes.
- After leaving, players can join a new club immediately.
- If leaving as the only member, the club will be deleted.
- Only President & Vice President can remove users.
- Tap on the member then the button Remove from club will appear
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